Brigitte Grof | Holotropes Atmen

Kontakt / CV / Impressum

Dipl.-Psych. Brigitte Grof
Rheinstraße 82
D-65185 Wiesbaden    
Tel.: 0611- 50 97 19


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Legal job title: Psychological psychotherapist

State in which the professional title was awarded: Federal Republic of Germany
Supervisory authority:
State Chamber of Psychotherapists Hessen, Gutenbergplatz 1, 65187 Wiesbaden
Professional regulations: Healing professions law Hessen, main statute of the state psychotherapy chamber Hessen

Brigitte Grof owns all rights to the images used.

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Dipl.- Psych. Brigitte Grof, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin

  • 20.4.1960 born in Baden -Baden, Germany
  • 1979- 1985 study of Psychology at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany
  • 4.2.1985 Diploma in Psychology, study of art
  • 1986 1 year workscholar at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California, studying theories and methods of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psycholgy. participation at 2 monthlong Seminars with Stan and Christina Grof with holotropic breathwork and several transpersonal guest teachers ( Jack Kornfield, Rick Tarnas, Sogyol Rimpoche, Ram Dass, Michael Harner, Ralph Metzner, Brother David Steindl- Rast, Al Huang, Anne Armstrong, Prem Dass. Angie Arrien) assisting in  holotropic breathwork workshops
  • 1987 3- year training in holotropic breathwork with Stan and Christina Grof in Switzerland Participating and facilitating in 2 monthlong training groups in the USA
  • 1988    3- months internship at Pocket Ranch in Geyserville, California ( Center for spiritual emergence treatment)
  • 1989  leading the first holotropic breathwork Workshop in Czechoslovakia
  • since 1989 leading open Workshops holotropic breathwork in Germany with Karin Tesch, Meinolf Schnier, Christian Frick, Dr. Ingo Jahrsetz and Dr. Sylvester Walch
  • 1990- 1994  4- year training of Gestalt and Body therapy with Hennes Groddeck at Gestalt Institute Frankfurt
  • since 1990 trainer in the Grof Transpersonal Training, leading  Training seminars in  France, USA and Germany
  • 1990- 2000  working as holotropic breathwork Facilitator and simultaneous translator in 5 weeklong seminars with Stan and Christina Grof and Jack Kornfield, combining holotropic breathwork and Vipassana Meditation (“ Insight and opening“)
  • Leading GTT Training modules with Dr. Sylvester Walch in Germany
  • Leading 8 year long groups holotropic breathwork with Dr. Ingo Jahrsetz
  • 1996/ 1997 Leading 5- day seminars in holotropic breathwork with Dr. Ingo Jahrsetz at Lindauer Psychotherapie Wochen, Germany ( Congress for Psychoanalysts and Psychiatrists)
  • 2000- 2002  Leading a 3- year training group ( GTT) holotropic breathwork with Dr. Ingo Jahrsetz in Germany
  • Since 2004 leading  training groups in Process- oriented Breathing and Body therapy ( a method of single therapy in the spirit of holotropic breathwork,  developped by Brigitte Grof)
  • Since 1989 private practice for psychotherapy in Wiesbaden, Germany, using Breathing, Body and Gestalt therapy ( english and french speaking clients are welcome)
  • Participation in seminars: family constellation, Vipassana Meditation retreats and sacred chant, congresses of Astrology, Transpersonal Psychology and Ethnomedicine
  • Since April 2016 married to Stanislav Grof. Besides continuing her private practice and her workshops in Germany they are leading together seminars and training groups in holotropic breathwork and Transpersonal Psychology worldwide:
  • 2016 China, Chile, Austria
  • 2017 Sweden, France, exhibition of their artwork and talk at the ITA Conference in Praque
  • 2018 Argentina, Peru, Switzerland, Esalen Institue California, USA
  • In May 2020 Stan and Brigitte Grof launched their new training in working with holotropic states of consciousness  the Grof® Legacy Training.
  • In 2022 she received an Honorary PhD from Ubiquity University for her lifelong  work with Transpersonal Psychology, holotropic States of Consciousness and  Art , and for co- creating the International Grof Legacy Training together with her husband Stanislav Grof.