
Stanislav Grof LSD Pioneer

New updated second edition of the Holotropic Breathwork book
We are very happy to announce the new updated second edition of the Holotropic Breathwork book. It has a new chapter on breathwork and the psychedelic renaissance and other new information and it is available now.

The worlds first course in Grof studies at Ubiquity University
Dear friends, we are very excited to share with you the launch of the worlds first course in Grof studies at Ubiquity University!
Ubiquity is an accredited international University teaching online courses and you can get a master or PhD degree with them.
Please spread the news and we hope that Stans dream comes true to have his work taught and spread at universities worldwide.

On Saturday January 22, 2022 we had an amazing symposium
On Saturday January 22, 2022 we had an amazing symposium with many wonderful friends celebrating the Festschrift Psyche Unbound in honor of my 90th birthday. We are very grateful to Synergetic Press, City Lights Bookstore , MAPS and everyone contributing to this successful event. You can watch the symposium on Youtube now, here are the links.
Starting now every month...
there will be a free online event with Stan and Brigitte Grof, Filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais and Jim Garrison from Ubiquity University, where they will meet friends who have been part of Stan´s life and of the The Way of the Psychonaut movie to chat and start celebrating Stan´s upcoming 90th birthday in July 1st 20201. You can find it on this link and watch them anytime.
How Psychedelics Changed My Life
Stan Grof, Rick Doblin & Dennis McKennaFilm Screening and Live Panel Watch The Way of the Psychonaut, and then join us for a conversation with Stan & Brigitte Grof, Rick Doblin and Dennis McKenna. Host: Susan Hess Logeais Saturday, February 13th | 10am PT, 1pm ET Tickets $12 at GATHR The Way of the Psychonaut: Stanislav Grof's Journey of Consciousness Share Via: [Share on Facebook] [Share on Twitter] [Share on Pinterest] Visit our website
Audio Book | The way of the psychonaut
"The Way of the Psychonaut" by Stan Grof is available as Audio Book now read by Becca Tarnas on the MAPS store website. She is amazing and reads it very beautifully. We hope you will enjoy listening!

The film The Way of the Psychonaut about Stan Grof´s life and work is available
The film The Way of the Psychonaut about Stan Grof´s life and work is available now with subtitles in different languages ( please choose your language before clicking on the V symbol of Vimeo ). You can watch the movie, buy it or give it as a gift to someone. The subtitles only work when you have downloaded the film into your computer. If you want to show it to a group or at a conference you can host a screening with higher resolution. There is also a package available with the movie and all the full length interviews for the film( they are in english only).

Psychonaut movie was winning an award
We are very excited to share with you that our Psychonaut movie has won an award for the best foreign documentary in a film festival in Venice! The film will be available probably end of October. We will keep you posted. www.thewayofthepsychonaut.com Stan and Brigitte

Launch of GROF Legacy Training
we are happy to announce today the launch of our new training, the Grof Legacy Training. It will be an additional offeringlkk to existing trainings and will represent the teaching of my (Stan Grof´s ) life´s work and legacy. My wife Brigitte and I are authorizing independant teachers around the world to offer their own trainings in working with holotropic states of consciousness in their countries.
We wish the GTT trainers and participants well and encourage them to continue their work. However I (Stan) am not associated with GTT anymore.
The trademark Holotropic Breathwork is owned by Tav and Cary Sparks, but my work holotropic breathwork is bigger than a trademark.
For legal trademark reasons in our new training we will use the brand name Grof® Breathwork for holotropic breathwork.
We will not receive any profit from our trademark Grof® or from the Grof Legacy Training. The trademark Grof® represents the Grof work and legacy and it is for the world.
Please feel free to participate in any seminars and trainings wherever you feel well and of course you are welcome to join our new project.kFor more information please see our website :www.grof-legacy-training.com Film: www.thewayofthepsychonaut.com/watch
Stan and Brigitte Grof 4th of May 2020
„ The Way of the Psychonaut“
The books can be ordered from Amazon.com and store.maps.org.
The books are also available as Kindle on Amazon.com.

„ The Way of the Psychonaut“ Dokumentarfilm über Stan Grof ( Trailer)
to look at:
Note: The links shown here lead to the video platform "Vimeo". Clicking on one of the links transfers data to YouTube. You can find out more in the Datenchutzhinweisen.
The Way of the Psychonaut - Event
The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) invites you to a book launch, film screening, and addresses from special guests at the elegant Scottish Rite Masonic Center in San Francisco, Calif., on August 11, 2019.
This event is the official book release of The Way of the Psychonaut: Encyclopedia for Inner Journeys by Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., the all-new two-volume compendium spanning more than 60 years of Dr. Grof’s work in transpersonal psychology, spirituality, psychedelic therapy, and Holotropic Breathwork, published by MAPS. Select tickets include the two-volume set which will be available for pickup at the event. Those seeking to pre-order the books only may find additional information here.
In celebration of the book release, the event includes a film screening of the not-yet-released Journey of Consciousness, a feature-length documentary that explores Stanislav Grof’s story, how he touched filmmaker Susan Hess Logeais’ life with his knowledge, and how Dr. Grof’s work could profoundly change the lives of many more—if they are allowed to access it.
The event includes an optional Very Important Psychonaut (VIP) reception and brief addresses from Dr. Grof and special guests.
The event begins at 6:30 PM, and will feature addresses from psychiatrist and psychedelic-assisted therapy pioneer Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., MAPS Founder and Executive Director Rick Doblin, Ph.D., transpersonal psychologist Richard Tarnas, Ph.D., Brigitte Grof, and Diane Haug.
An intimate community reception will begin before the main event at 5:00 PM, giving you opportunities to connect with our special guests. The reception is open to everyone who registers at the Very Important Psychonaut (VIP) level.

Holotropic Breathwork returning to it´s place of birth!
We just finished our 5- day Holotropic Breathwork Workshop at Esalen Institute, California, together with our dear friend and colleage Diane Haug and our amazing team (Stacia Butterfield, Mireya Alejo, Jay Dufrechou from USA and Javier Charme and Pula Guzman from Chile). We had a wonderful week and the participants had great experiences with a lot of love around us and we definetely felt the magic and the spirit of the land at Esalen.
Another highlight of our time there was when I , Stan took Brigitte and the team on a tour down memory lane to the Big House ( now called Murphy house) , that was actually the place where Holotropic Breathwork was created and born in 1975. I and Christina were doing 31 monthlong seminars there inviting all the leading transpersonal and spiritual teachers and combining their lectures with 2 breathwork sessions as breathers per person/ week for the group.
I lived at Esalen 14 years and Brigitte came to Esalen in 1986 for 1 year, participated in 2 monthlong seminars and stayed as a workscholar, getting training in Holotropic Breathwork in many of our seminars there before there even existed an official training.
So it was a very special event for us bringing back the Holotropic Breathwork to its cradle and also for both of us coming back to Esalen together.
Stan and Brigitte Grof

A new series of teleseminars with Stan Grof in California in 2017

Thank you for the good wishes
Dear friends of the transpersonal community,
Thank you for all the love and good wishes for my health that we have received from you! I feel good and my healing is making good progress.
Before my stroke, Brigitte and I decided to look more closely at the foundations that bear our name to ensure that my work and legacy are presented in a way that we feel is appropriate. It is very important to us that work in the world is available to everyone and that the values of transpersonal psychology are spread more widely.
We would like to thank the people who have worked on foundations and associations over the years to promote our work!
Because of my stroke, we'll have to focus on my recovery next year. We have therefore asked those who have generously dedicated their time and resources to the management of the Stanislav and Christina Grof Foundation and, more recently, the Grof Holotropic Foundation, to stop this effort. These foundations and the associated websites will be closed in the coming months based on our request.
The website originally created by the Association for Holotropic Breathworkwork International (AHBI) will remain active for the foreseeable future. Although this website needs to be updated, we hope that it will continue to provide a space for event listing.
In the course of 2019, Brigitte and I will send you more information about future plans to continue our work.
On November 15th Tim Ferris will broadcast his very good interview he did with me, Stan, shortly before my stroke.
You can find it on the Internet: https://tim.blog/podcast/
best regards
Stan and Brigitte
Message to the Transpersonal community
Dear friends of the transpersonal community,
we would like to let you know that I ,Stan had a minor stroke in August while stopping my blood thinners because of a planned back operation. I am doing fine physically and my mind is perfectly clear. I can speak, but finding certain words, reading and writing are affected. For that reason we had to cancel all public events in the near future to give me time to focus on my healing. Chances that I will be recovring completely are very high. Brigitte is taking very good and loving care of me.
Please don´t send us emails. If you wish to send us your love and support you can do that in your hearts or send a message on our facebook site Stanislav Brigitte Grof. Please understand that we cannot answer, but we will receive everything with gratitude.
Much love
Stan and Brigitte
April 13 to 15, 2018 | The Way of the Psychonaut & Holotropic Breathwork
The Way of the psychonaut: Lessons from half a century of consciousness research
In this richly illustrated seminar, Stan addresses his 60-year research into a large and important group of exceptional states of consciousness that have remarkable healing, transformative, evolutionary and heuristic potential. Stan coined the term “holotropic” for these states, which means “moving towards wholeness”. Modern psychiatry has no specific name for these conditions and regards them as pathological distortions.
Psychonautics can be defined as a systematic pursuit and the targeted use of holotropic states for self-exploration, spiritual and philosophical search, ritual activities, artistic and scientific inspiration (higher creativity) and healing. Practices for inducing holotropic states can be traced back to the beginning of human history. These states are the most important component of shamanism, the oldest spiritual system and the oldest healing art of mankind, of transition rites and healing ceremonies of primitive people, ancient mystery cults of death and rebirth as well as mystical traditions of all times.
In this seminar, the most important information for a safe use of holotropic conditions is highlighted, be it pharmacologically or induced by various non-pharmacological techniques, or be it that they occur spontaneously.
We focus on the radical revision of the established understanding of the human psyche that is necessary for safe psychonautics: the expansion of the cartography of the psyche, the understanding of the architecture of emotional and psychosomatic disorders, the knowledge of the self-healing intelligence of the psyche, nature and Dimensions of consciousness or the phenomenon of synchronicity.
The participants of the seminar have the opportunity to experience these new principles in the subsequent "Holotropic Breathwork" weekend workshop.
Holotropic breathwork
At the beginning, Stan and Brigitte give an introduction to holotropic breathwork and explain its basics. The contents and experiences of the breathing people range from intense body feelings, waves of emotions, lively inner image sequences via biographical topics and memories to birth experiences or transpersonal experiences. The way of personal experience is different for each participant and is often shown in surprising, unexpected content.
Focused body work is offered for tensions or pain that arise spontaneously during the process and do not dissolve. This follows the impulses and needs of the breathing person. Bodywork aims to strengthen existing energies in such a way that they can transform.
After completing the process, there is an opportunity to find a different, non-verbal form of expressing past experience and integration by painting mandalas. The resulting images are included in the next day's sharing process, which takes place in small groups. The participants are invited to give space to those aspects of their previous experience that need to be expressed verbally or looked at again in the mandala in order to open up a path to integration into everyday life. The workshop ends with a ritual. The workshop is intended as a continuous, individual and group process. We therefore recommend not planning any additional activities during these days that could change the quality of the experience or interrupt the process.
All information about the event and booking options

Week of May 27-June 1, 2018 | Healing the Divide: Men, Women and Spiritual Reconciliation
Healing the Divide features Stanislav Grof’s return to Esalen, where he co-founded and developed Holotropic Breathwork. Stan will be accompanied by his wife Brigitte, who has been conducting Holotropic Breathwork workshops and training for thirty years, senior facilitator for Grof Transpersonal Training Diane Haug, and Gender Equity and Reconcilation founding directors Cynthia Brix and William Keepin. This workshop integrates two innovative modalities to support deep healing of the gender divide in human society that stems from cultural conditioning related to gender, sexuality, and relational intimacy. This experience is for people who yearn for authentic healing and reconciliation between the masculine and feminine on both inner personal levels and outer relational levels.
Mornings will be devoted to Gender Equity and Reconciliation, a unique process developed over 25 years in multiple countries that facilitates transformational healing across the gender divisions in society. Participants will have the opportunity to share deeply about gender and sexual conditioning in their personal lives while working in same-gender and mixed-gender groups. The process engages multiple dimensions of group process in a safe space, including storytelling, small group interaction, ceremony, and other experiential participation.
Afternoons will be spent in Holotropic Breathwork sessions, giving participants the opportunity to activate the natural inner healing energies within the psyche and facilitate internal experiences that are often profoundly healing. Breathwork experiences are guided by participants’ innate inner wisdom, and are therefore uniquely tailored to each individual. Evenings will include sharing and integration, during which participants can discover key insights and experiences. On the last evening, participants will co-create a special healing ceremony. Co-presenters for the week include Zanele Khumalo and John Tsungme Guy.
Note: This workshop intends to balance genders and create an inclusive and supportive environment for all participants. All gender identities are welcome to participate. Please be familiar with Breathwork contraindicators, which can be found here: www.grof-holotropic-breathwork.net/page/hb-faqs#faq13.
This is an intensive workshop, and requires approximately 8 hours of participation each day. Participants agree to attend all sessions. This workshop is deeply experiential and may involve intense and energetic emotional release.

Illuminating Your Depths, Navigating Our Times
Dear Friends,
I would like to share with you this announcement I have just received from Shift Network about this latest free online event that Rick Tarnas and I will be offering as a preview of our forthcoming telecourse.
The Shift Network has given us the following information to share with you:
Can Astrology Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos?
Astrology has been given a bad rap by academia…
Yet a deeper understanding of astrology can help us navigate our times of greatest challenge and point the way to hidden resources.
Stanislav Grof, the co-founder of transpersonal psychology, and noted philosopher Rick Tarnas agree that archetypal astrology offers a unique and precise way to explore the depths of our psyche and the patterns that govern our culture.
On Saturday, September 16, these two renowned intellects will show you how to harness the power of archetypal astrology to deeply understand yourself AND make meaning of our times during their FREE online event, Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche? Illuminating Your Depths, Navigating Our Times.
You can register here: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/aahs/a15896
Their work goes beyond “sun-sign” pop astrology to address the larger tectonic forces at the depths of the psyche, a subject that C. G. Jung also explored in depth.
During this fascinating hour, Grof and Tarnas will share:
- How archetypal astrology shifts us beyond linear causation to a more synchronistic view compatible with an interconnected, meaningful, and intelligent universe
- Why history seems to repeat itself; for instance, why is the United States in such a state of political tumult right now and how does it connect to other times of tumult such as the 1960s?
- How astrology can give you a deeper sense of the meaning behind times of real challenges such as spiritual emergencies and “dark nights of the soul”… and how to tap into the wisdom of astrology to navigate through them
- Why astrology is an invaluable tool to support your deepest explorations with non-ordinary states of consczousness

Samstag, 16. September | Free Online Event with Stan Grof and Rick Tarnas on Archetypal Astrology
Stanislav Grof, the founder of transpersonal psychology, and noted philosopher Rick Tarnas agree that archetypal astrology offers a unique and precise way to explore the depths of our psyche and the patterns that govern our culture.
On Saturday, September 16, these two renowned intellects will show you how to harness the power of archetypal astrology to deeply understand yourself AND make meaning of our times during their FREE online event. Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche? Illuminating Your Depths, Navigating Our Times. You can register here: https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/aahsTL/a17274/
During this fascinating hour, Grof and Tarnas will share:
How archetypal astrology shifts us beyound linear causation to a more synchronistic view compatible wilt an interconnected, meaningful, and intelligent universe
Why history seems to repead itself; for instance, why ist the United States in such a state of political tumult right now an how does it connect to other times of tumult such as the 1960s?
How astrology can give you a deeper sense of the meaning behind times of real challenges such as spiritual emergencies an "dark nights of the soul"... and how to tap into the wisdom of astrology to navigate through them
Why astrology is an invaluable tool to support your deepest explorations with non-ordinary states of consciousness
Workshop Holotropes Atmen mit Stanislav Grof in Prag im September
Global Holotropic Breathwork Day 2017
Global Holotropic Breathwork Day is almost here!
Hi all,
Stan and Brigitte recorded a short message for us all on the occasion of Global Holotropic Breathwork Day. You can access it here.
There are workshops scheduled in Hungary, Slovenia, Ireland, Moscow, Denmark, Canada [Montreal and Vancouver], Germany, Switzerland [Koeniz and Appenzell], Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and the US [DelRay Beach, FL, Asheville, NC, Houston, TX, Mill Valley, CA, and Seattle, WA]
The Grof Foundation
December 2016
A 6-month video and audio teleseminar with Dr. Stanislav Grof "The Way of the Psychonaut" in English (easy to understand).
Psychonauts are explorers of the inner worlds on the level of consciousness. In this course, Stan provides his enormous knowledge from 60 years of consciousness research with his own warmth, clarity and modesty and combines psychology and spirituality in a unique way. This seminar offers valuable information for people on the inner path and supports understanding of their own processes and those of other people.
Stan will present various topics on the inner worlds every Tuesday evening at 9 p.m. for 1.5 hours and will be available for questions and answers personally on some dates. Each participant also receives the video and audio recordings as well as PDF files of the texts.
More information about this series of seminars, an introductory video with Stan and a detailed description of the individual topics can be found on the following website:
The Way of the Psychonaut | for more information, please click here

April 2016
Dear Friends,
We would like to let you know that we have decided to spend our lives together and got married on April Fool’s Day, 2016, in Wiesbaden, Germany; we are delighted to share our love and joy with you.
No gifts, please, we are trying to simplify our life! Please, make a donation to our favorite charity – Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco. They do an amazing job of feeding homeless people (up to 3,000 a day) and providing many other extraordinary services for these folks. (Glide Memorial Church, 330 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA, 94102)
Brigitte and Stan